Nothing gives Twin Twist more joy than shredding his enemies into scrap metal.

This elite strike team is prepared to rush in blasters-blazing and get the job done

Payment will be collected once item is ready to ship Download Transformers and have hours of fan.Estimated ship date subject to change, items may ship earlier or later than anticipated without notice Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Barricade, Blackout, Starscream, Ironhide, Jazz, Megatron. You can do whatever you watched in the film and something else: fly, drive, fight.

Prepare yourself because the battle is to start in a while and you can feel the power of a transformer, no matter if you choose to be an Autobot or a Decepticon. Morph from robot to vehicle and see how the transformation takes place in front of your eyes. Great movements and high quality characters which will make you think you are in the movie and all this surrounded by a really good sound experience. The graphic environment of Transformers is exceptional, everything on it can be smashed. Transformers the game is an amazing action game where you will be able to play as Autobot defending the planet or as Decepticon and try to destroy everything. Transformers has been successfully received in theaters and now you can enjoy them in your computer.